Student Founded

Student Focused

Penn State Harrisburg’s Pro Sales Club was founded in 2021 by student leaders to connect students interested in professional sales and sales management with each other and to industry partners through local programming led by Penn State Harrisburg students.

News & Announcements

Networking Event – Career Compass

On Thursday, March 20th, all students are invited to an interactive networking event from 6:00pm –...

Industry Insight – Phoenix Contact

Hello everyone! We are having our second Industry Insight of the semester this Thursday, November...

Industry Insight – Fastenal

Hello everyone! We are having our first Industry Insight of the semester this Thursday, October...

ProSales Second Meeting

Fastenal Baseball Nightout w/ The Harrisburg Senators

On September 13th, 2023 Fastenal, the largest fastener distributor in North America, invited the...

ProSales Club Semester Kick-Off Meeting

Join us on Thursday, September 7th, 2023 for our official kick-off meeting of the Fall 2023...

ProSales Club Meet & Greet Semester Kickoff

Come kick off the semester with us on Thursday, August 31 in Olmsted E244 for a fun night of...

Congratulations to our new Executive Board for Fall 2023!

On April 27th, Penn State ProSales held its final meeting of the Spring 2023 semester. During this...

Penn State Students Compete at National Shores Sales Challenge

In order to have a successful business, you must be able to be successful in sales. For a team of...

Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Dozier

About Ryan Meet Ryan Dozier, an alumnus of Penn State Harrisburg and Former V.P. Of Public...

Alumni Stories

Explore how alumni of the Pro Sales Club and the Penn State Harrisburg Sales minor are finding success navigating the job market and building their careers using the skills, training, and academic knowledge gained by participating in the club.

Sales Minor

ProSales students and faculty are deeply immersed in the campus academic culture. Penn State Harrisburg offers a sales minor which is open to all Penn State students. In addition to our academic programs, our students gain valuable experience through internships and club participation.

Sales club awareness fair 2018

Skills Development

Students in the ProSales Club participate in programming throughout the year to develop skills relevant to the job market.

Community Service

Service to our community is important to our students. Our student often volunteer at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank together with classmates and alumni, pick up trash, and improve the landscaping in our communities, among other opportunities. Come serve with us!

Social Networking

Building a sense of community is important to our club members, and our social connections make our sales club one of the best student clubs on campus. Our members participate in field trips, attend dinners and networking events, and invite guest speakers from local companies, alumni, and community leaders to engage in professional development.

Company Case Competitions

Conducting business cases with local companies is an opportunity for us to practice our business skills and apply our learning at Penn State to real clients and local businesses by exploring prospecting, emailing, cold calling, client relationships, corporate partnerships, and more. Learning from these scenarios and working on everyday business challenges improves our communication skills and provides valuable networking opportunitie.


Sales Role Plays

Participating in national sales competitions builds soft skills. Our members love networking and socializing with sales professionals through competitive role playing scenarios. Practicing sales calls, interviews, and elevator pitches boosts our comfort and confidence in sales environments, C-Suite executive and business leader buying center scenarios, and challenging competitions at social events with U.S. and global sales students.

Leadership Development

We are passionate about building friendships, sharing organizational responsibilities, and serving in our local communities. The Penn State Pro Sales club was built on student leadership and remains a student-run organization – members develop club programming, run web and social media accountrs, and coordinate events. Our organization is open to all majors and all individuals from diverse countries and work backgrounds.

Leadership Potential

Students from the Penn State Harrisburg Pro Sales Club develop leadership skills by working with industry professionals to create club programming throughout the year, providing networking and sales training opportunities by participating in student-led projects.

Sales Training

Penn State Harrisburg students participate in local sales training as well as national sales competitions each year.